I had a wonderful practice. Wonderful because I didn't make any breaks, concentration was good.
My pain in the overstretched legs was felt only a bit. I'll take a bath and I'll put rubbing alcohol on it now after this practice. This morning I also took two magnesium to keep my muscles relaxed and in peace. No extra stress is planned for them for a while, no split poses.
If I want to improve my practice, my asanas, my vinyasas, my breath, my concentration, my relaxation, I must practice, practice, practice. This is the open secret.
The eka pada sirsasana on the picture does not convince me. But that's the current status. My chin must move forward. I don't know what I shall tell my leg so that it remains behind my head, without holding it. Answers will come. Till then I work on engaging the stretched leg and moving my chin forward. Next time I will check if I engage my bandhas. This could help, too.
I exercise this pose also while lying on the back. Then the neck pushes back the leg and opens the hips much more than I'm able to do it when practicing the above asana. When lying on the back this pose is easier and my leg remains behind the head without the support of my hand.
In the afternoon I wanted to take a nap, but the book by Gregor Maehle
It's the next morning now, and I'm really motivated to practice in a Mysore class. I've taken my magnesium already.
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